I'm kind of crabby today. It's been 4 days since my date with J, and I've barely heard from him. I say barely because we spoke on Tuesday (he called me, then I called him back later), and he's emailed me a couple of times (about Facebook for God's sake), but hasn't made contact since I replied to an email of his this morning.
I rue the day I ever told him about Facebook. I'm on there throughout the day at work (I know, but they don't seem to mind) and every time I saw that he was online (And not emailing me! The nerve!) it was like a slap in the face.
When we spoke on Tuesday, we had tentatively made plans for this weekend. J wasn't sure which night he would have his daughter and I said Saturday would work better for me. Since then? Nothing. Except for stupid questions about Facebook. Lame.
What is it about a guy that can turn a relatively well-adjusted girl like myself into a compulsive cell phone/Facebook/email checker? Seriously! When I don't have a man in my life I'm totally fine. I don't worry about who's calling, who's emailing, blah, blah, blah. Throw a guy into the mix? And I'm all "Why isn't he calling? Where is he? Is he out with Tragic B?" Ugh.
And I can't help but second guess myself. You know? I think about the "number" conversation we had the other night and wonder "Did that turn him off?" Or how I told him that I had a date on Wednesday night, but I wasn't too interested in going. (Which, by the way, I didn't mean it in a "You are the love of my life now, J. I shall never date another." kind of way. I meant it in a "It's freaking Wednesday, who wants to go out with a guy, who quite frankly, looks kind of sweaty in his photos?" kind of way.) But of course, I think J took it to be the former. Plus! The guy who looked kind of sweaty in his photos? Never even called me for our date. How's that for karma?
So here I sit, on a Friday night, trying to decide between cleaning my house (thrilling!) or catching up on my reading (slightly more thrilling!). Wondering why it is I can't seem to make it past that increasingly crucial second date. What the hell?
P.S. I think the cleaning is going to win out. That way I can blast angry music and scrub out my aggression. Hee hee.
I Rebuke This Comeback in the Name of Rattails
4 weeks ago
I have peeps waiting for dinner so have to be brief. The one thing I want to say is that just because someone appears to be online, doesn't mean they are. I never, ever remember to "logout" and often find that people have tried to IM me and gotten a big fat silence for a response. I think it must look like I'm on there all day long, ignoring people....
ReplyDeleteIt's easier said than done, but try not to second guess yourself or anything else that's going on. And cleaning your house will have a nice end result as well as hopefully getting your mind off of things!
You're more than welcome to take out your aggression on my dirty house :-) Too bad you live so far away!
ReplyDeleteI wish I had good advice to give regarding J but all I can offer is my two cents worth...if he doesn't see how awesome you are he's clearly blind. Seriously, HIS loss, not yours.
You guys are awesome! Thanks for the pep talks. Sadie, hope the peeps enjoy their dinner. Cyn, I'd totally help you clean if I lived close by! : )