I had my date with J the other night. We went to a bar in his neck of the woods. It was so good to see him again. Yes, he's as cute as I thought he was. He still seems fairly normal. I'm almost certain that he's not an axe murderer or con-man. Just a regular guy. An awfully cute one at that.
As the evening wore on and the drinks loosened us up, inevitably, our conversation turned to s-e-x. I was reminded of a story from my past that I shared with J. Why I shared it, God only knows, but I did.
Many years ago (good lord, 16 years ago to be exact!), I was dating K. I had chased after K for almost a year. We worked together, and from the moment I met him I was in lust (which looking back on it is so weird, seriously, K is not a guy one would lust after). After workin' it for months, finally, I got my man. K was 6 years older than me, which, if you're doing the math means I was 20 and he was 26. He seemed so old and worldly at the time.
We had been dating a few months when one night we had "the conversation". You know the one. The one where you stupidly disclose how many partners you've had. A conversation no woman should have with any man under any circumstances other than in the broadest of terms. "Are you a virgin?" "No." "Any diseases I should know about?" "No." "OK." I mean, in my opinion, this is as much conversation as one should have on this topic.
But back then I did not know this. I was 20 for God's sake. So when K asked, I answered. And I lied. (I brought the number down. I'd had an early start and I at least knew enough to lie.) Well, apparently I didn't bring the number down quite enough for K's liking. The conversation did not go well. I couldn't for the life of me understand why he was so mad. I mean all of it had happened long before I had ever met K. And, I reasoned, the past had made me the woman (ha! at 20?) I was and didn't that mean it was ok?
Apparently not.
K and I survived that night. But we didn't last too much longer. The lesson I learned that night has stayed with me until this day. Unfortunately though, by sharing that story with J I sort of opened a whole new can of worms.
As we were leaving the bar the other night, J asked me "the question". It seems that by sharing the K story I had piqued his curiosity. I was like a deer caught in headlights. I froze. Not knowing what to do, I told him. The truth. (Which you will never get out of me here, I'd like to keep some semblance of privacy, sort of. I think up until now only N knew the real truth.) And, honestly, J seemed ok with it. But of course, now I'm second guessing myself.
So, I'm throwing it out to all 4 of you who read this. Do you tell? And if you do, do you tell the truth? Or do you fudge your number?
I Rebuke This Comeback in the Name of Rattails
4 weeks ago
I've always told the truth but that's because I'm not as "experienced" as I probably should be. From the ages of 14-24 I was involved in two five-year relationships which, obviously, kept my number very small. While I've told the truth (when asked), I've never wanted to know the guy's "number." Never. Ok, so at the time I probably did but looking back that's a question I would choose not to ask. In my eyes it can only add anxiety and pressure to an already stressful situation (assuming it comes during the early stages of the relationship). I don't know my husband's "number" (if he told me I've blocked it out) and I don't want to.
ReplyDeleteSorry to ramble. Back to your question...I think telling the truth is the only way to go. You want him to like you for YOU, and if he doesn't/can't after hearing the truth, then he doesn't deserve you. Just my two cents worth...
Hmmm, I don't know if I've ever been asked that question outright. If I was, I wouldn't have answered it!
ReplyDeleteI applaud your semi-honesty though. Isn't there some kind of theory that says, "Whatever a female says, add XX and whatever a guy says, subtract XX." I've heard that somewhere. Which basically means nobody is telling the truth about it.
I have to ask though, was he forthcoming with HIS number in return? Only seems fair to me...
Yes! He was forthcoming on his number. Yeah, I kind of figured most people avoid this conversation at all costs. Oh well. At least I was honest. And Sadie, you're right, nobody is telling the truth!