Meredith (left) is camera shy. I had to corner her in the bathroom to take this picture. Earl (right) giving his best "bish, please" look.
About a year and a half ago, two little fuzz balls came into my life. Indulge me my crazy-cat-lady tendencies, and let me tell you a little bit about Meredith and Earl.
Mearl, as I've taken to calling them collectively (it's their celeb couple nickname), were essentially strays. A friend of M's, found them behind her house, two litters and a couple of mama kitties. I don't know how she managed to do it, but somehow she trapped them all and took them into her home, determined to find homes for them. I had only planned on getting one (Earl), but then M's friend tugged at my heartstrings by telling me that Meredith would miss her brother very much, and didn't I want two?
My life has not been the same since. They bring both joy and frustration daily.
Earl (named for Earl Grey tea, of course) has a BIG personality. He is crazy. And persistent. And probably the smartest cat I've ever met. Last night I put one of his favorite toys in the closet because it makes too much noise when I'm trying to sleep. He saw me put it in there and hours later managed to get the closet door open to get to the toy.
He loves to climb into the refrigerator, and I'm not talking just poking his head in to see what's going on. Oh no. He climbs in. No door shall be closed to Earl.
Meredith (I didn't name her, M's friend did, I guess I was just too lazy to change it) is my sweet little girl. She is shy around other people, to the point where she refuses to come out if others come into the house. Which is a shame because she's so sweet and talented too. Meredith's favorite thing in the whole world is to play fetch. If you tell her to go get her ball she'll go get it, bring it to you and sit and wait patiently for you to throw it for her. Then she'll bring it back again. She can also catch the ball in her paws. I know! I didn't teach her any of this either.
OK, next time we will be back to adventures in dating and more fun stuff. (J gets back to town tomorrow and we're supposed to go out on Monday!) I just had to give a little shout out to the fuzz balls in my life who while they drive me crazy, also keep me sane.
P.S. Why is it so freaking hard to post photos? Am I just blog-retarded? I promise I will get better. Although, I think the only photos I would ever post would be of Mearl. So, perhaps you don't want me to get better. What is sadder than a 36 year old single woman posting photos of her cats on her blog (at 7:30 on a Saturday night, no less)? "Oh look, here's Earl sleeping. Oh, and look, there's Meredith giving me the stink eye!" If I start knitting them sweaters, please plan an intervention.