A few years ago, long before there were blogs, N and I used to toss around the idea of writing a book about all of the crazy boys we had known. It would be a joint effort, as we both had a lot of stories to tell. I was thinking about this tonight and thought I'd write about just a few.
First there was C. He was the first guy I met when I moved to San Diego. We met at a friend's birthday party. Later that night, he took N and I to the Casbah and gave me my first Mexican valium. Poor C. He was so cute, but so lost. He was such a tortured artiste (he fancied himself an Actor). With a drug problem. Who could never get it up. C didn't last long. He used to call me every once in a while trying to sell me drugs.
Next, there was L. I met L at a pre-Halloween pumpkin carving party. He was a friend of the host and known to be quite the ladies man. After my experience with L, I'm not quite sure why. I won't go into too much detail here (I have my reputation {ha!} to protect!), but suffice it to say L peed in my bed and helped himself to a block of cheddar and every jar of hot sauce we had in the house!
And then there was Michael. You may be wondering why I'm breaking my own rule of using only initials. Well, when it comes to Michael, it's just too delicious not to. Like C, Michael also fancied himself the creative type. When I met him he was spelling his name Mykal. N & I met Mykal at a holiday party at a friend's house. We liked to describe him as "artfully disheveled". You know the type. Hair mussed up just so, jeans perfectly worn, shirt half tucked in, half out. Christ on a stick; the guy wore cover up!
I chased Michael/Mykal down. Went to all the places I knew he hung out until he finally noticed. After a while, Michael/Mykal and I became sort of friends with benefits. We lived close by each other, so it was convenient and we actually hung out quite a bit. But, as such relationships do, after several months our relationship just sort of ran it's course and we lost touch.
When I was thinking about writing this entry, I searched Michael/Mykal on Facebook. (I searched both spellings. Hee hee.) I actually found him (by the more traditional spelling). I considered "friending" him and then thought better of it. I mean, what's the point really? People come into your life and they leave your life. I'm a strong believer in the theory that we learn something from everyone we meet. Even lost, tortured Actor types and boys who eat your cheese.
I Rebuke This Comeback in the Name of Rattails
4 weeks ago
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