Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Fool Me Once, Shame On You, Fool Me Twice Shame On Me, Fool Me a Third Time. And... Oh Hell

I haven't had a date since February. Sigh. Almost 6 months. I'm seriously considering dipping my toe back into the online dating pool. (I've also been seriously considering selling my panties on Craigslist to make extra money, but that's whole 'nother story.)

I was reading an article on CNN.com today about online dating and I felt a kind of yearning. And then I remember how much work it is. And I realize that it would also mean I'd actually have to check my personal email daily (sorry, if anyone has emailed me there recently).

But, then I also remember how exciting it can be to check your email to see if someone cute has emailed you; only to find that dreaded email from some tool titled "Hey, Pretty Lady" and get slapped in the face with reality. But! It can be fun.

I came thisclose to signing on to Match tonight, just to look. But, when I went to sign-on it asked me if I wanted to "reactivate" my profile and I panicked. I clicked cancel.

I'm really conflicted about the whole thing. I'll put it out to you, all 6 of you. (That never gets old. Six people reading my blog is 6 more than I ever thought, and very cool, but, it's also kind of funny in a sad kind of way.) What should I do? Reactivate? Dip my toe? Jump in head first? Help.


  1. Hey, I thought I commented, but it's not here. Sorry if you get this twice...

    Based on reading this, it sounds like you're ready, so I say jump!

  2. I'm having "Moo withdrawals" - please post something soon!!!
