Today, at the gym, my internet dating life AGAIN crossed paths with my normal life. Am I going to have to move???
Yesterday I took the plunge. I went to the gym closer to my house, the one downtown. They have this Athletic Training class there that I had been wanting to try. So one of my gays, F, and I went to the class. And it was great. The class is intense. But super fun. And I am sore like you wouldn't believe.
So, I actually liked the new gym. It's big and newly remodeled. The group exercise room is pretty spacious. There's tons of equipment. And! There's even a jacuzzi. (Not that I think I'll be using it. The whole idea of sharing a jacuzzi with a bunch of sweaty people I don't know totally grosses me out. In fact, if you could see me now, you'd see my nose totally scrunched up. I have to stop thinking about it or my face could freeze this way.)
Anyway, I was so sore today, but I thought that if I went to the gym and took a spin on the elliptical, that might make my legs feel a little bit better. There I was, minding my own business when I saw him... Crazy M! The one who probably sent me no fewer than 50 texts between date number one and date number two. The one who after 2 dates wanted to know what it would take to be my boyfriend. The one who still sends a text every now and then. The one who still looks at my profile every so often. Ugh.
I must've looked like a deer in headlights. I know I audibly cursed. I'm not sure if he saw me, he was walking into the locker room. Without knowing how long he'd be in there, I scanned the room looking for a piece of equipment I could use while remaining somewhat hidden. (I still had like 20 minutes left in my workout. I wasn't going to let him drive me away. The only outside force that has ever driven me away from a workout was this one guy's God awful BO on the treadmill next to me. But that's another story.) In front of me was a row of treadmills. One was right next to a big pillar that looked like it could offer some cover. Quickly, I made the switch.
I was on the treadmill for a few minutes, furtively scanning the room. I hadn't seen him come out of the locker room. As the minutes ticked by I thought I was in the clear. And then! There he was. Getting water, pretty much right in front of me. Turns out the pillar didn't offer me cover if M didn't stay to the left side of the gym. He then proceeded to settle in on the ab equipment directly in front of, but still a decent distance from me. With his back to me, I figured I could attempt to finish my workout.
For a good 15 minutes I tried to pretend he wasn't there. I did my thing. He did his. I told myself if he saw me, I'd just ignore him. This worked right up until he started toward me. I pushed stop on that treadmill so fast it wasn't even funny. And then? I turned tail and ran. To the women's locker room. I did really have to pee. But mostly I was hiding.
I still don't even know if he saw me. We didn't make eye contact, but I can't imagine that he didn't. I feel like a jack ass for running away. But I hate confrontation or any uncomfortable situation for that matter. Who doesn't though?
As of tonight though, I've decided that M is going to have to learn to share that gym. (To be fair, I did know that he works out there. I forgot though, until I saw him. But he was there first.) Regardless of the fact that he was there first, I fully intend to continue to work out there. Will I run away again the next time I see him? I don't know. (Probably.) I guess it is possible I'll have to face an uncomfortable situation. I'll live.
I Rebuke This Comeback in the Name of Rattails
4 weeks ago
If it makes you feel any better I would have run away at the first sight of him. Kudos to you for sticking it out a little while longer! I think its great you're not going to let him drive you away from your new gym but I have just one word of caution...make sure you have a good comeback when he gloats over how you joined this gym to be closer to him (and you know that will be his thought).
ReplyDeleteThe more I hear about your work out sessions and how Sadie goes to "boot camp," the more I feel like I need to get my butt in gear. Thanks for helping!
If you can help it, try not to let him bother you. You'll become immune to his presence soon enough. Or you might find that today was an anomaly, and you don't actually overlap all that often....fingers crossed anyway.
ReplyDeleteOn a side note, I have no problems with a jacuzzi except when people insist on going in naked, which I find totally bizarre. For some reason nobody here (except me) wears a swim suit. Like it's their own personal bathtub. So I guess I do share your issue. My nose is wrinkling now too.
At the gym??? They go in naked??? Oh lord. I can see going in naked at your own home. But a gym? If I was sitting in the jacuzzi in my nice sanitary bathing suit and some crazy, old, sweaty person came strolling on in buck naked I would need some smelling salts or something. I'd pass out from the horror right there. (OK, I exaggerate just a wee bit, but oh my. Naked. At the gym.)
ReplyDeleteNo joke. They're naked. Remember, this is L.A., so for the most part they are pretty well, uh, "preserved", but still.... They're Naked. Sitting around in the jacuzzi chatting. Did I mention they're naked?
ReplyDeleteI so couldn't live in LA!