I stole this idea (she said it was ok, though) from one of my favorite blogs, Jen Lancaster's Jennsylvania. (By the way, I've read all of her books; Bitter is the New Black; Bright Lights, Big Ass; and Such a Pretty Fat. They are hilarious. I highly recommend them.)
Anyway, the idea is to put your Ipod on shuffle, see what comes up, write something about the song (preferably funny, but I make no guarantees). Here goes...
1. "What's Going On" Marvin Gaye
I love this song. It totally reminds me of my brother and the summer after I graduated high school. Also, I can't think of Marvin Gaye without thinking of "Sexual Healing".
2. "Touch Me in the Morning" Diana Ross
Clearly my Ipod is on some sort of Motown kick today. I think I downloaded this as part of a Diana Ross/the Supremes Greatest Hits package. Whenever I think of Diana I think of her in that concert at Central Park in the rain, imploring everyone to "reach out and touch sombody's hand".
3. "Pearls on a String" Ryan Adams
I adore Ryan Adams. His style of Alt Country is about the only kind of country that I can listen to. Well, him and Wilco. Whatever you do, do not go to one of his concerts and request that he sing "Summer of '69". He will have you thrown out, or so I've heard.
4. "Trouble" Coldplay
This song reminds me of driving through the desert with my ex-boyfriend C. It was late summer and still pretty hot out. I just remember it was dark out and we had the sunroof open. There's nothing like driving through the desert at night. It's so dark and clear. The stars are twinkling. You know how a song can take you right back, and you can feel and smell a memory? That's what this song does for me.
5. "Smile Like You Mean It" the Killers
I went through a total Killers phase a couple of years ago. Seriously. This CD never left my car stereo. I was with M then, and we used to go up to his cabin in the mountains like every weekend. I always took my own car, since I would have to leave before him to come back to the city and go to work. I listened to this the whole way up there, every single weekend for months. Now? I'm kind of sick of it. My brother and I are going to Coachella this year. The Killers are headlining the night we're going. I'm mildly excited to see them.
6. "Heal it Up" Concrete Blonde
OMG! I absolutely love Concrete Blonde. Not many people do. I especially love that the lead singer's name is Johnette Napolitano. Johnette. For real. You think her dad wanted a boy? Anyway, Concrete Blonde is a totally underrated band. I owe my love for them to my big brother. As a matter of fact, I totally owe my love for music to my big brother. And he never lets me forget it.
7. "Tyrant" the Bravery
Another 80's New Wave revival band, like the Killers. Love them too. Another CD that very rarely left my car's CD player a few years ago. I still like them, although I've heard they kind of suck live.
8. "Magic" the Cars
Love this song! Takes me back to the 80's. I loved the video, with Ric Ocasek walking on water in the pool. He is an unusual looking man, to say the least. He must have quite a personality to have married supermodel Paulina Porizkova. Oh! Which reminds me! America's Next Top Model starts tonight! Yay! (I am such a teenage girl when it comes to Tyra and ANTM. I love it.)
9. "Wonderful Life" Gwen Stefani
Aww. Who doesn't love Gwen Stefani? A few years ago N and I were so excited to see her in concert, we joined her fan club to get discount tickets. We called ourselves "Ste-FAN-i's". The $25 was totally worth it, we got 7th row seats. Gwen rocked it. The concert was awesome, aside from the totally disgusting couple right in front of us who kept making out. Gross.
10. "Lay Low" My Morning Jacket
I don't have any memories associated with this one. MMJ is sort of a new discovery for me. They're not new by any means, just new to me. I have fallen in love with them.
Those of you with blogs (you know who you are) consider yourselves tagged. It's fun.
I Rebuke This Comeback in the Name of Rattails
4 weeks ago
I'm embarrassed to admit this...I got an Ipod for Christmas but I've yet to down load even one song! Guess I'm afraid if there's music on it then I'll have to start working out!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE my Ipod. It is the best invention ever. I listen to it most of the day at work, and most evenings at home too. I would be LOST without it. I highly recommend getting it going. It doesn't mean you have to start working out, but it makes it much more enjoyable to do so.
ReplyDeleteI love Ryan Adams too! Read all my books, steal all my money... What's the name of that song? He's getting married to someone famous and kind of interesting (for some reason?), can't remember who.
ReplyDeleteMy Ipod is ONLY used for working out. Oh and for Gavin to watch movies on when we go on trips. That's a cool trick it can do. I think I"m afraid that if I listen to the songs on there any time other than when I'm running on the treadmill, they won't do the trick any more.
Thanks for sharing this, I learned a little something about you!
Oh, and I think Brandon Flowers is BEYOND hot in the Mr. Brightside video. OMG.....seriously. He looks like a young Adam Ant, yummmm....
Cyndi will tell you I have a thing for rockstars in makeup.
Sorry for the rambling, going to go have another cup of coffee now.
Mandy Moore! Which is totally weird. She just doesnot seem like his type at all.
ReplyDeleteI totally know what you mean, I used to feel the same way about my ipod. But then I learned the art of the playlist and now I have playlists for working out, for chilling out, for work, etc.
Yeah, Brandon Flowers is pretty hot. I too have a love for rockstars in makeup. I love David Bowie. Did you know that Adam Ant, hot as he was back in the day, now crazy? Certifiable even. Crazy as a loon.