Monday, April 6, 2009

Sometimes, Things Just Work Out the Way They're Supposed To

Last week I mentioned to you guys that I had some plans for this past weekend that could either turn out really good or really bad. Well, it just so happens that it turned out really good. Better than could have been expected. Really. I couldn't have scripted it better myself. And now that I've built it up to be so huge, get ready for the big let down, 'cause it's not really all that exciting.

I saw the ex-boyfriend, M, for the first time in a year and a half. Yup. Sure did. And when they say that happiness is the best revenge... (Or is it looking totally hot next to his sad-sack schlump of a girlfriend? I forget.) ...they're right.

Here's how it all went down. R & M, Facebook friends of mine (of course, right?), who I know from my time with M, invited a bunch of friends to come watch R's band play on Saturday night. I really wanted to go because the whole time M and I were together, R's band never played. They were "on hiatus". I'd always wanted to see them play live. There's is one of the few country albums that M had that I actually liked, rather than just tolerated. (No offense, C.) I RSVP'd knowing that M and his schlumpadink girlfriend would be there.

I spent Friday evening preparing myself, beauty-wise. I got my eyebrows tinted and waxed. I tanned. I had a pedicure. I was determined to look GOOD.

Saturday night, my friend Z and I made our way to the bar. I had filled her in on all the details of course. M wasn't there yet when we got there. R was the first person I saw. I told him I was a little bit nervous about coming and he assured me it would be fine.

A little while later as I was making my way to the bathroom, it happened. The run-in. It's still weird to think that I hadn't seen him since October of 2007. I felt like I had just seen him the day before. He was still strangely familiar to me. Maybe I expected him to seem like more of a stranger? I don't know. And all that anger I felt toward him? Kind of gone. Well, mostly. We hugged. I gave him a kiss on the cheek. He said it was good to see me and I agreed. Because, really, it was good to see him. I told him I wanted to meet his new girlfriend. He was not super excited about the idea, but said "Have at it. She's right over there."

So, what did I do? I pretty much marched myself right over to her and introduced myself.

"Excuse me?" I said. Blank stare.

"Are you Schlumpadink?"

She looked at me like I had two heads. I continued to introduce myself. I was determined.

"I'm Moo."

Still no response from Schlumpadink. (Like she didn't know who I was? Right.)

"M's ex-girlfriend?" I offered.

"Oh." She said weakly.

I went on to explain that I had asked M to introduce us and he had begged off. As this was pretty much a one-sided conversation, I cut it short, wished her a good night and went on my merry little way.

All that unpleasantness out of the way, I proceeded to have a GREAT time. The band was fantastic. We sang. We danced. I got to see old friends I hadn't seen in forever. It was so much fun!

M & Schlumpadink? Not so much. I noticed her glaring at me several times over the course of the evening. M watched me like a hawk. I tried not to let it bother me.

(Can I just tell you though? She really was schlumpy. Stringy blonde hair. Kind of chubby. And worst of all? Or, best of all, I should say. I know for a fact girlfriend is the same age as me and she looks much older. Ha.)

All in all the evening couldn't have gone any better. I made my point. I'm pretty sure M now knows for certain that I am better off without him. And perhaps, that point was also made just a little bit clearer to me as well. The only thing that is bothering me I guess is this...

If I'm such a catch, why is it that he's happily coupled (assuming they're happy) and I'm still single?

P.S. Just for the heck of it, I'm going to let Earl steal a little bit of my thunder here. I couldn't resist. It's just too cute.

What? You mean I shouldn't be in the dishwasher?


  1. Assuming the "no offense, C" comment was for me, rest assured, none taken :-) Country music used to send me running for the hills. Not sure what changed but now I can't get enough.

    Now on to more important things...I'm so proud of you for taking charge of the situation Saturday night! There are many ex-girlfriends that would have either not gone for fear of running into him or hiding in the background all night. You, my confident + awesome friend, took the bull by the horns and showed him that you are better off without him! Not only did you handle the ever awkward run-in with grace + dignity, but you went out of your way to introduce yourself to her. Nicely done!

    I bet it feels good to have closure. Who knows, maybe that's what you needed before you could totally move on. By the way, my bet is on you being "happily coupled" before he is (if he watched you like a hawk all night and she kept shooting daggers at you, my guess is they aren't all that happy)!

  2. Aww,Cyn you are so sweet! Yes, the "no offense, C" comment was for you. (And I'll have you know,I found myself strangely tempted to download the new Keith Urban CD on iTunes the other day. I kind of like him.)

    Yes, closure feels good. I am pretty proud of myself. It's onward and upward from here.

  3. You can't go wrong with Keith Urban. We've been lucky to see some absolutely amazing concerts since living here but his was, hands down, the best!

    I forgot to mention how freaking cute the picture of Earl in the dishwasher is! I'd be lying if I said I'd never intentionally left ours open to see what Panther or Maggie would do. For some reason, though, neither of them have ever shown any interest in an open dishwasher. Thanks for sharing Earl's exploration with us - now at least I know what they would have looked like in there :-)

  4. Go girl! For what it's worth, I agree that they don't sound all that "happily" coupled either.

    I'm glad you got some closure AND had a great night!
