Hi! I'm still alive and kicking. I know, it's been a long time, but truthfully, I haven't felt much like writing till now. I've been going through a lot both personally and professionally, and frankly, writing about it felt like it would make it seem worse. I live a lot inside my head, and while letting those thoughts out can be cathartic at times, sometimes, I just want to avoid it all.
Anyway, I'm feeling better. Probably because I'm taking steps forward both personally and professionally.
First of all, I've started praying. I know my brother, who is a subscriber to this blog totally just snickered at that and wonders if I'm turning into a Jew for Jesus. No, I have not accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior (no offense to those who have). The messiah has not come for me, yet. But, I am taking some time each night to quiet my mind and give thanks to God (or whoever or whatever is up there) for my blessings. And then I'm asking him for fame and fortune in return.... Kidding! I ask for strength, faith, and hope in return. I ask to be open to possibilities. And it seems to be working. Just giving myself quiet time to be thankful and mindful each evening helps me face the next day with some hope and faith.
Secondly, I've finally decided to take the plunge. I'm applying to law school, people! Yep. I can hardly believe it myself. If all goes as planned, I will be graduating at the ripe old age of 41, but as my mom put it so succinctly, I'll be 41 no matter what. I can be 41 with a JD behind my name, or I can just be 41. My choice.
I've begun the process of applying to school. Requested transcripts, begged people to write letters of recommendation for me, and today, I wrote the first draft (a very rough draft) of my personal statement. I wrote about my long road to this point and what it means to finally decide to work at what is my passion. Totally weird concept for me. The example set for me by my parents was that work was just that... work. It's not something you particularly enjoy, you just do it because you have to. And while I like my job well enough, I keep coming back to this idea that there is something more to life than transitioning financial advisors. There is, isn't there? I mean, if that's my big contribution to this world, then I'm afraid the world is in trouble and the messiah may be closer than we all think.
So, yeah, I'm going to law school. I'm scared to death. I'll be hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt (And 41! Did I mention I'll be 41?!?!?) when I'm done. I feel like I'm taking a huge chance without much of a safety net. But I'm hopeful and excited at the same time. I can't wait to begin my studies. Knowing me, I'll be the nerdiest law student to ever have nerded in the history of law school. I'll keep you all posted on my progress. XOXO
I Rebuke This Comeback in the Name of Rattails
4 weeks ago
Why not check out our site, there are some great free podcasts that will be a great help to you in the application process.
Awesome Moo! This is a huge step and I'm proud of you!