I think I may have two posts in me today! Cue the celebratory music! But first, just as an aside, my roommate is gone to Tahoe for a few days, so I enjoyed a guilt free homebody day today. I napped. I watched a movie (He's Just Not That Into You). Only a couple of things marred the beauty of this day; a.) I was hungover and b.) I started my period. But! There were no disapproving looks. So, yay, me.
Anyway. Back to the reason for this post. This guy I met last week. I met him at a bar. He bought me a couple of drinks. We chatted. He seemed nice enough, and funny. But he wasn't really my type. OK, I'll go ahead and say it, he really wasn't as good looking as I usually prefer. But, I gave him the benefit of the doubt and gave him my phone number anyway.
Now, I'll admit, if you really hit it off with a guy and you give him your number, when he texts you right after you leave the bar, you think it's cute and sweet. If you're not all that into him and he texts you right after you leave the bar? Not so much. And if he texts you 3 more times after that the same night? Kind of creeped out. But again, I gave him the benefit of the doubt.
My thinking went something like this: Dating my type has gotten me nowhere thus far, so why wouldn't I try dating outside of my type? Swallow my feelings of uncomfortableness and keep plugging along. If he were to call and ask me out, give the guy a shot, right?
I was surprised when by Monday night he hadn't called me.
Tuesday afternoon at work, I stepped away from my desk for a few minutes. When I got back, I had a voicemail. Nothing unusual. As I listened to the voicemail, it became very unusual. It was him! He had tracked me down at work. And tried to cover it up by saying he wanted me to recommend a good financial advisor for him. Apparently, he had dropped his phone into the pool and had lost my number, but remembered where I said I worked. I was totally and completely creeped out! I mean, yes, I told him where I work, but I never expected him to track me down.
I did as most girls do, I ran the situation past just about every girl I know. The results were decidedly mixed. My adorable, little 26 year-old co-worker agreed with me that it was creepy. Another co-worker pointed out that if he had been totally hot and I was into him I would've been psyched that he had gone to such effort to get a hold of me. (She's 100% right.) For the most part, people thought I should call him back. Words like "flattered" and "resourceful" were thrown around. But I just couldn't. I couldn't shake the creeped out feeling.
It got me thinking though; should I be dating outside my type? How much of that creeped out feeling is genuine uncomfortableness that should not be ignored (for safety's sake)? And how much of that creeped out feeling is just slight uncomfortableness at trying something outside of my comfort zone? Am I really, as L said, "closed off"?
I wish I knew. What I do know is that I haven't met anyone in a very long time that I did have that spark with. I'm sure he's out there. I'm sure there are several "he's" out there. Just please, don't call me at work unless I specifically ask you to.
P.S. I guess I don't have 2 posts in me tonight. All of this lazing about tired me out. I have another topic in mind, but it will have to wait until tomorrow. The suspense will kill you, I'm sure!
I Rebuke This Comeback in the Name of Rattails
4 weeks ago
Hey girl! Not sure you actually asked for our thoughts on the matter, but I'll give mine anyway.
ReplyDeleteUnder normal circumstances, finding you at work isn't TOO creepy, especially if he did lose his phone.
And like everyone said, if you had been into him, it's pretty sweet actually.
BUT, you should always, always, always listen to your instincts. I'm of the mind that you can't be too careful in this world, and your instincts are there for a reason. Even if there is nothing "creepy" about this person, the fact that you have a red flag is cause for caution. If you proceed with caution and are wrong, what's the worst that can happen? Much better to err on that side than the other.
Look forward to learning about your other topic sometime soon. :-)